Celtic Squares Block: A Classic Quilt Design


The Celtic Squares Block is a visually striking and timeless pattern often featured in traditional quilts. This intricate design combines sharp lines with interwoven elements that create a captivating geometric effect. Whether you’re an experienced quilter or a beginner, this pattern offers an engaging project that’s sure to impress.

The beauty of the Celtic Squares lies in its symmetry and balance, making it a popular choice for quilts that highlight clean lines and repetitive motifs. It’s not only a testament to traditional quilting but also a perfect canvas for showcasing bold colors and contrasting fabric choices.


In this article, we will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating your own Celtic Squares Block, with detailed instructions on fabric cuts and measurements. Let’s dive into the essentials of this quilt pattern and learn how you can bring this historical design into your modern quilting projects.

Materials and Tools for the Celtic Squares Block

Before starting, it’s important to gather the right materials. Proper preparation will make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Fabric: Choose two contrasting fabrics to enhance the Celtic knot design. You’ll need one fabric for the background and another for the interlocking squares.
  • Cutting tools: A rotary cutter and a self-healing mat are essential for precise cuts, ensuring that all your fabric pieces are uniform.
  • Ruler: A quilting ruler will help you measure accurately, especially for straight lines and sharp edges.

For this tutorial, we’ll work on creating a 12-inch finished block. The fabric requirements and measurements are designed for this size but can easily be adapted if you want a larger or smaller quilt block.

Fabric Cuts and Measurements

To create a Celtic Squares Block, accurate fabric cuts are essential. Here’s a list of the fabric pieces you will need:

  • Background fabric:
    • Four 3.5” x 3.5” squares
    • Four 2” x 6.5” rectangles
  • Contrasting fabric:
    • Four 2” x 9.5” strips
    • Four 1.5” x 9.5” strips

These measurements are specifically for a 12-inch block. If you’re making multiple blocks for a full quilt, adjust your fabric cuts accordingly. Always remember to factor in the seam allowance, which is typically ¼ inch for quilt blocks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sewing the Celtic Squares Block

1. Prepare the Fabric Pieces

Start by laying out all your fabric pieces. Make sure to label the background fabric and the contrasting fabric clearly to avoid confusion later in the process. Precision is key when working with interlocking designs like the Celtic Squares Block.

Begin by sewing the four 3.5” x 3.5” background squares together in pairs. Press the seams open to create a flatter appearance for your quilt. Next, attach the 2” x 6.5” background rectangles to the pairs of squares, forming a cross-like shape.

After assembling the background pieces, it’s time to sew the contrasting fabric strips. Begin by sewing the 1.5” x 9.5” strips to the 2” x 9.5” strips, ensuring that the seams are crisp. This creates the woven effect central to the Celtic Squares Block.

2. Assemble the Block Layout

Now that all the smaller components are sewn, it’s time to arrange them into the Celtic Squares design. Lay the background pieces in the center and position the contrasting fabric strips around them, forming a square frame. This interlocked design is what makes the Celtic Squares Block unique and visually compelling.

Double-check the alignment of all pieces before sewing them together. Ensuring that the edges line up perfectly will give your block a professional finish. Use pins to hold everything in place and prevent shifting during sewing.


Sew the strips to the background fabric one by one, pressing the seams flat as you go. This step requires patience and precision, but the result is worth the effort.

3. Finalize the Celtic Squares Block

Once the strips are attached, your Celtic Squares Block should be nearly complete. Now it’s time to finish the edges and make sure everything is squared off properly. Use your ruler to check that the block measures 12.5” x 12.5” with the seam allowance.

Trim any excess fabric, making sure the block is perfectly square. This will ensure that when you join it with other blocks, everything aligns neatly. Give your block one final press with an iron to smooth out any wrinkles and set the seams in place.

Tips for Perfecting Your Celtic Squares Quilt

  • Fabric choice: Selecting fabrics with high contrast will make the interlocking design stand out more. Bold colors or patterned fabrics can add extra depth to the Celtic knot effect.
  • Precision cutting: Take your time when cutting the fabric to ensure each piece is the correct size. Small deviations can cause misalignment, especially in intricate patterns like Celtic Squares.
  • Pressing seams: Always press seams carefully. Open seams work best for this block as they reduce bulk and help the pieces lay flat, giving the quilt a polished finish.

Creative Variations of the Celtic Squares Block

While the traditional Celtic Squares Block uses two contrasting fabrics, you can experiment with different color schemes to add a modern twist to this classic design. Try using gradient fabrics for a unique fade effect or mix and match patterned fabrics for a vibrant, eclectic quilt.

Another creative variation is to incorporate smaller Celtic Squares Blocks within a larger quilt. This technique gives you the opportunity to showcase this intricate design on a grander scale. You could alternate Celtic Squares Blocks with simpler, solid blocks to create an eye-catching quilt layout.

Additionally, adding borders or sashing between the blocks can give the design more breathing room and highlight the interlocking effect even more. This is a great way to put your personal touch on the traditional Celtic Squares pattern.

Conclusion: Mastering the Celtic Squares Block

The Celtic Squares Block is a rewarding quilting project that showcases both traditional craftsmanship and modern design possibilities. By following this step-by-step guide, you can create a beautiful, intricate quilt that is bound to impress.


Whether you’re making a single block for a sampler quilt or assembling an entire quilt using the Celtic Squares pattern, the end result will be a stunning work of art. With careful attention to detail and some creativity in fabric choices, this pattern allows you to express your love for quilt patterns while mastering an intricate design.

So gather your fabrics, follow the cutting instructions, and let your creativity flow as you piece together your own Celtic Squares Block!
