Eight Point Star Quilt Block Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide


Quilting is a timeless craft, and one of the most popular and visually striking quilt patterns is the Eight Point Star.

Whether you’re new to quilting or an experienced quilter looking to master another design, this tutorial will walk you through creating an Eight Point Star quilt block. In this detailed guide, we’ll provide you with all the fabric cuts, measurements, and step-by-step instructions to make a beautiful quilt.


Let’s dive into this tutorial and discover the charm of this classic quilt pattern.

Understanding the Eight Point Star Quilt Block

The Eight Point Star quilt block is a traditional quilt pattern that has been cherished for generations. This quilt block features eight points extending from the center, forming a striking star shape. The precision and symmetry required make it a favorite among quilters seeking a challenge.

In addition to its visual appeal, the Eight Point Star block allows for endless fabric combinations, making it a versatile choice for quilts. You can use contrasting fabrics to make the star pop or blend colors for a more subtle effect. This flexibility is one of the reasons why this pattern has remained popular.

Before we jump into the step-by-step instructions, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials. For this project, you’ll need a rotary cutter, a quilting ruler, fabric for the star and background, and of course, thread. Let’s go over the fabric measurements next.


Fabric Measurements and Cuts

To create a single 12-inch finished Eight Point Star quilt block, you will need the following fabric cuts:

  • For the Star Points:
    • Cut (4) 4.5-inch squares of your star fabric
    • Cut (4) 4.5-inch squares of your background fabric
    • Cut (8) 3-inch squares for the half-square triangles (4 of each fabric)
  • For the Background:
    • Cut (4) 4.5-inch squares of your background fabric
    • Cut (4) 3-inch squares of background fabric for half-square triangles

Once you’ve cut your fabric, it’s time to start piecing the block together. Precision is key here, so take your time when cutting and sewing to ensure the pieces align perfectly. Accurate fabric cuts and sharp tools will make your quilting experience smoother.

Creating the Half-Square Triangles

The next step in the Eight Point Star quilt block tutorial is to create the half-square triangles (HSTs). These HSTs will form the points of your star, so it’s important to get them right. Follow these instructions to create 8 perfect HSTs.

First, take one 3-inch star fabric square and one 3-inch background fabric square. Place them right sides together and draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the back of the lighter fabric. Then, sew 1/4 inch away from both sides of the drawn line.


Next, use your rotary cutter to cut along the drawn line, creating two separate pieces. Open and press the seams toward the darker fabric. You now have two half-square triangles. Repeat this process for all your 3-inch squares until you have 8 HSTs. Trim each HST to 2.5 inches square.

Arranging the Pieces

Now that you have your HSTs ready, it’s time to arrange all the pieces for the Eight Point Star quilt block. Begin by laying out the 4.5-inch squares and 2.5-inch HSTs in a 4×4 grid. The HSTs will form the star’s points, while the 4.5-inch squares fill in the background.

Arrange the HSTs so that the star fabric points inward, creating the eight points of the star. Ensure that the star shape is symmetrical and centered. Once you’re satisfied with the layout, it’s time to sew the rows together.

When sewing the rows, use a consistent 1/4-inch seam allowance to ensure that your quilt block remains the correct size. Press the seams between each row to one side, alternating the direction of the seams to reduce bulk and make assembly easier.

Assembling the Rows

With your rows sewn together, it’s time to join the rows to complete the Eight Point Star quilt block. Start by aligning the seams between the rows, ensuring that the points of the star line up perfectly. Pin the rows together to prevent the fabric from shifting during sewing.

Sew each row together with a 1/4-inch seam allowance, carefully matching the seams as you go. After sewing, press the seams in one direction or open, depending on your preference. Pressing the seams open can help reduce bulk in the center of the block, especially where multiple points converge.

At this point, your Eight Point Star quilt block should be complete. Give it a final press to smooth out any wrinkles or uneven edges. The block should measure 12.5 inches square, which will finish to 12 inches once sewn into a quilt top.

Tips for Achieving Precision

Achieving precision is key when working with quilt patterns like the Eight Point Star. Here are some tips to help you create a perfect quilt block. First, always double-check your fabric cuts and seam allowances. A small miscalculation can throw off the entire design.

Second, press your seams carefully throughout the process. Proper pressing ensures that your quilt block lies flat and that the points align perfectly. Pressing toward the darker fabric also helps prevent shadowing, where the seam allowance shows through lighter fabrics.

Finally, take your time when piecing the quilt block together. Use pins to keep the fabric aligned, and sew slowly to avoid mistakes. Precision in each step will result in a beautiful, crisp Eight Point Star that will stand out in your finished quilt.

Final Thoughts on the Eight Point Star Quilt Block

The Eight Point Star quilt block is a timeless and elegant quilt pattern that adds a classic touch to any quilt. While it requires precision and patience, the results are well worth the effort. With the right tools, techniques, and fabric choices, you can create stunning quilt blocks that will be cherished for years.

Incorporating this quilt block into a larger quilt project allows you to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you use it as a focal point in a quilt or combine multiple blocks for a full quilt top, the Eight Point Star is sure to impress. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different fabrics and color combinations to make your quilt uniquely yours.


By following this tutorial, you’ve learned how to create an Eight Point Star quilt block step by step. Now, you can continue quilting with confidence, knowing that you’ve mastered one of the most iconic quilt patterns. Happy quilting!
